Its design concept integrates natural light, shading, program, access and views, making the component the key operator of the transition between interior and exterior spaces. 它的设计理念,集自然光,遮阳,程序,访问和意见,使组件之间的内部和外部空间的过渡的关键操作。
A secure, easy to configure and manage, independent of program information access control policy is designed by combining RBAC ( role based access control) with PKI ( public key infrastructure). 该研究结合基于角色的访问控制与公钥基础设施(PKI),设计了一个安全的、易于配置与管理、独立于程序的信息访问控制策略。
The experiment proved that the program is an effectively secure and reliable access to create key, at the same time, through adding a specific chaff point, and then ensuring the security of biometric templates. 经实验证明,该方案可以有效的获得安全可靠的密钥,同时通过特定的杂凑点添加方式,确保了生物特征模板的安全。